That’s the Keith Specialty Store difference

This past Saturday, I came into work shortly before closing time.  Jim, one of our guys, said “Business was pretty good today, but I talked one guy out of buying a pump and another guy from buying a furnace motor.”

This would be about $500 in sales.

Maybe in some businesses Jim would be in trouble for turning away sales. That’s not the way we do business.  The thing is, he talked to them, found out the pump and motor wasn’t the real problem, sold them what they needed and saved them a bunch of money.

Our staff does not work on commission.  There’s no incentive for our employees to oversell.  Quality service is selling the customer the products that are the best solution to their problem, not the most expensive solution.

And that’s why we have multi-generational customers.  It’s part of our small hometown-attitude philosophy.   The same philosophy that has been built upon since M.H. Keith started the business in 1954 selling parts from a burlap sack on the floor.