HVAC Chamber Kits - Burnham
These are exact fit combustion chamber kits for Burnham's most popular boilers. Everything you need in one economical kit.
Burnham RSA and New Yorker AP-U chamber kit, Lynn 1173SKU LN-048$225.91225.91
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Burnham RSA and New Yorker AP-U combustion chamber kit for Burnham RSA-85, RSA-110, RSA-125, RSA-135 and New Yorker AP-490U, AP-590U, AP-690U, AP-790U, includes everything you need and instructions, Lynn 1173
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Burnham V-1 chamber kit, Lynn 1064SKU LN-04A$119.79119.79
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Burnham V-1 series and American Standard VP and VPT combustion chamber kit for Burnham models V-13, V-14, V-15, V-16, V-17, V-18, V1-72 and V1-96 and all American Standard VP and VPT models, includes everything you need and instructions, Lynn 1064
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Burnham V-3 chamber kit, Lynn 1065SKU LN-04C$127.87127.87
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Burnham V-3 series and American Standard A-3 and V-3 series combustion chamber kit for Burnham models V-33, V-34, V-35 and V-36 and American Standard A33, A34, A35, A36, A37 and all V-3 sizes, includes everything you need and instructions, Lynn 1065
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Burnham V-7 chamber kit, Lynn 1066SKU LN-04E$119.79119.79
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Burnham V-7 series combustion chamber kit for models without swing-out burner door V-72, V-73, V-713, V-74, V-714, V-75, V-76, V-77 and V-78, includes everything you need and instructions, Lynn 1066
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Burnham C3, C4 & V-7 with swing door chamber kit, Lynn 1074SKU LN-04G$130.56130.56
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Burnham C3, C4 series and V-7 with swing-out burner door series combustion chamber kit for all C3 and C4 models and V-7 models with swing-out door V-72, V-73, V713, V-74, V-714, V-75, V-76, V-77 and V-78, all series 3W and 4W, includes everything you need and instructions, Lynn 1074
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Burnham V-8 (V-82 to V-86) chamber kit, Lynn 1129SKU LN-04J$137.74137.74
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Burnham V-8 series combustion chamber kit for models V-82, V-83, V-84, V-85, V-86, V-8H2, V-8H3, V-8H4, V-8H5, V8-H6, PV-83, PV-84, PV-85 and PV-86 includes everything you need and instructions, Lynn 1129
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