Electric Panels & Breakers
Here you will find Siemens panels, enclosures, meter bases, disconnects and breakers for Siemens, Murray, GE, FPE (Federal Pacific) and Square D. Also listed are accessories you may need.
GFCI = ground-fault circuit interrupter - a computerized breaker detecting electrical leakage (a ground fault) and required by the National Electric Code (NEC) for circuits supplying certain indoor areas such as kitchens, bathrooms, laundry areas, unfinished basements, spas and most outdoor areas.
GFCIs reduce the risk of electrocution on protected circuits.
AFCI = arc-fault circuit interrupter - a computerized breaker detecting electrical faults beyond overloads and required by the National Electric Code (NEC) for circuits supplying certain dwelling areas such as bedrooms.
AFCIs reduce the risk of fire from faulty or damaged wiring.
An AFCI or GFCI breaker may be required.
Check applicable codes for minimum requirements.