HVAC Duct Work, Vent, Flex Duct
We carry a variety of duct work to distribute air from your HVAC system, as well as pipe for venting flue gases, all-fuel pipe for oil, wood and coal stoves as well as B vent for gas heaters and pipe for dryers.

duct board sheets, flex ducts, K-collars, top take offs, A-collars, spin collars, duct and foil tapes, hanger straps and plastic straps

stacks, straight stacks, degree stacks, center stacks, stack heads, end caps, starting collars, ells, oval pipes and boots

panning sheets, trunk lines, end caps, collars, ells, reducers, plenums, cleats, z-strips, hangers and duct tapes

registers, grilles, diffusers and dampers

register boots and boxes

stove pipes, ells, reducers, gauges, A-collars, top take-offs, drawbands, caps, tees, couplings and dampers
b-vent pipes, ells, caps, flashings, collars, tees, thimbles, wall straps and adapters

vent pipes, ceiling kits, wall kits, angles, flashings and storm collars

vent pipes, ells, periscopes, outlet boxes, hoods, caps, reducers, kits, hoses and flashings