Gas Line & Fittings
Gas line & Fittings
Gas lines, couplings, stiffeners, gas tape, spray primer, wall seal nuts, risers, gasline warning tape, connectors, gas valves, pipe joint compound, thread joint compound, pilot tubing, inverted compression nuts, mantles and gas globes.
The gas line we sell is HDPE (High Density PolyEthylene) or sometimes called PE pipe. We sell both Iron Pipe sizes (IPS) and Copper tube sizes (CTS). The fittings to connect the pipe to iron pipe must match the IPS or CTS designation. Check with your local codes or requirements before ordering and installing gas line and fittings. The pipe is suitable for natural or LP gas installations.
Here is a video from our supplier on handling of the pipe.

Carefully observe pressure rating of equipment.
Our gas line meets ASTM D2513 specifications and is manufactured in the U.S.A. by Oil Creek Plastics from PE-2708 resin.
Plastic must be buried or protected from sunlight, weather and physical damage. Plastic gas line is used for outside underground service line to your house or building. Use only metal fuel gas piping indoors.
sdr = standard dimensional ratio.
cts = copper tubing size.