HVAC - Reznor Parts - kits
Reznor Kits
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This page list Reznor pilot assemblies, pilot kits, gas conversion kits, and related parts
Reznor 257472 ignition conversion kitSKU RZ-89K$309.49309.49
*Reznor 257472 ignition conversion kit for FE models, includes UT Electronics module 257009, 1003-638A, 1547, wiring harnesses and mounting bracket, for pilot codes 62, 63, 65, 66 and 84, CANNOT be used with damper control; replaces 00570, 234012, 89314, 89488, 97547, 97782, G67BG-2, G67BG-5, G67NG-2, G770NGC-4 and G770NHC-1
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Reznor 257473 ignition conversion kit, propaneSKU RZ-89L$333.42333.42
Reznor 257473 ignition conversion kit, propane, old G-77, icludes the module, motor bracket and wiring, lockout with one hour retry; replaces 97547
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Reznor 257531 ignition control board kitSKU RZ-89T$645.86645.86
Average rating:
Reznor 257531 ignition control board kit, includes the control board, 1097-B3-2113A, ignitor, 5-pin wiring harness, 9-pin wiring harness and 4 wires; replaces 10247, 147102, 159956, 159957, 174260, 790-319, G861KCC-5401 and G861KCC-5401R
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Reznor 258251 ignition control board kitSKU RZ-8A7$379.07379.07
Reznor 258251 ignition control board kit; replaces 164326, 178453, 193804 and G822KCC-5401D
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Reznor 259521 time delay relay kit T-1-6000G10SKU RZ-8AF$107.44107.44
Reznor 259521 time delay relay kit T-1-6000G10; replaces 46233 and 49796
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Reznor 262971 time delay relay kitSKU RZ-8AN$96.6496.64
Reznor 262971 time delay relay kit; replaces 116044
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Reznor 269820 electrode kit for waste oil heaterSKU RZ-8C9$47.2947.29
Reznor 269820 electrode kit for waste oil heater, this is a complete pair of the right and left electrodes; replaces the individual electrodes 104845 and 104846
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Reznor 269835 LP gas conversion kit is OBSOLETESKU OBS-RZ-8CA
Reznor 269842 natural gas to propane conversion kit SKU RZ-8CC$129.38129.38
Reznor 269842 natural gas to propane conversion kit for model VR 50 through 100; replaces 205514
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Reznor 269855 propane to natural gas kit is OBSOLETESKU OBS-RZ-8CEB
Reznor 99252 natural to propane kitSKU RZ-ANC$358.76358.76
Reznor 99252 natural to propane kit
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Reznor 99255 natural to propane kitSKU RZ-ANF$364.22364.22
Reznor 99255 natural to propane kit
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Reznor 99258 propane to natural kitSKU RZ-ANJ$60.4560.45
Reznor 99258 propane to natural kit
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Reznor 99259 propane to natural kitSKU RZ-ANK$78.8778.87
Reznor 99259 propane to natural kit for model B & F 75
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Reznor 99260 propane to natural kitSKU RZ-ANL$76.9776.97
Reznor 99260 propane to natural kit
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