PEX Brass Crimp Fittings
PEX Brass Crimp Fittings
These lead-free brass fittings can be used with any PEX or PE-RT tubing for domestic water or hot water heating systems. The fittings are inserted into the tubing and are secured with a crimp ring. A special tool is required to crimp, or squeeze, the rings onto the tubing and fitting.
Fitting size is customarily given by ID (inside diameter) of the tubing.
These manifolds have a 1" copper body with multiple branches to 1/2 PEX or PE-RT tubing. Each branch has it's own brass ball valve. These are great manifolds for infloor heating systems.

Redd-Strip S5RE-16 staples for PEX tubing, attaches up to 5/8 ID PEX tubing to 1 1/2" or thicker foamboard, 200 staples per box, use only with the Reddi-Strip Stapler by Peter Mangone Inc. Individual staples are .75" inside width x 1.9" long.