Trane (American Standard) HVAC Parts
This page lists the most popular Trane parts sold.
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Trane Parts - Catalog
Trane and American Standard Parts
Trane BLW Parts
draft or combustion motors
Trane CNT Parts
control boards
Trane CPT Parts
Trane Capacitors (CPT)
Trane MOT Parts
blower motors
Trane SEN Parts
Trane SWT Parts
Trane Parts - VAL
gas and expansion valves
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Trane MOT 03419 1/4 motorSKU 68-65Y$199.00199.00
Trane MOT 03419 motor, 1/4HP, 825 rpm; replaces MOT 03024, MOT 03574, MOT 04542 and MOT 06782
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Trane MOT 04717 3/4 motor is OBSOLETESKU OBS-68-66J
Trane MOT 05717 1HP motor is OBSOLETESKU OBS-68-66S
Trane MOT 06363 1/8 motor is OBSOLETESKU OBS-68-66X
Trane MOT 15033 motor is OBSOLETESKU OBS-68-659
Trane MOT 12111 1/5 motor, now obsoleteSKU OBS-68-654
Trane MOT 13384 1/3 motor is OBSOLETESKU OBS-68-67J
Trane RLY 00902 relaySKU 68-711$68.2468.24
Trane RLY 00902 relay, 230V, 24V coil, DPDT; replaces RLY 01010, RLY 01118, RLY 01183, RLY 01232, RLY 01266, RLY 01576 and RLY 1579
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Trane RLY 01237 relay is OBSOLETESKU OBS-68-718
Trane RLY 02227 start relay si OBSOLETESKU OBS-68-71J
Trane RLY 02463 relaySKU 68-71L$29.2529.25
Average rating:
Trane RLY 02463 general purpose relay; replaces RLY 00481, RLY 00622, RLY 00670, RLY 00712, RLY 00797, RLY 00886, RLY 00972 and RLY 01384
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Trane RLY 02807 time delay relaySKU 68-71P$68.6668.66
Average rating:
Trane RLY 02807 time delay relay; replaces RLY 01169, RLY 01221, RLY 01565, RLY 01685, RLY 01686, RLY 02257 and RLY 02258
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Trane RNG 00957 resilient ringSKU 68-710$7.047.04
Trane RNG 00957 resilient ring, 2 1/2" OD; replaces RNG 01204
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Trane SEN 00347 sensorSKU 68-734$43.9843.98
Average rating:
Trane SEN 00347 sensor, replaces COL 04500, SEN 00257, SEN 00625, SEN 00727, SEN 00728 and SEN 00729
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Trane SEN 01107 thermistor sensorSKU 68-742$29.1529.15
Trane SEN 01107 thermistor sensor; replaces SEN 00275, SEN 00321, SEN 00339, SEN 00372, SEN 00378, SEN 00379 and SEN 00905
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Trane SEN 01114 flame sensorSKU 68-745$11.8311.83
Average rating:
replaces SEN 0377, SEN 00441 and SEN 00491
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Trane SEN 01159 ambient sensorSKU 68-748$20.7920.79
Average rating:
Trane SEN 01159 ambient sensor; replaces SEN 01066
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Trane SWT 01255 pressure switch is OBSOLETESKU OBS-68-765
Trane SWT 01258 thermal limit swt.SKU 68-768$68.4268.42
Trane SWT 01258 thermal limit switch, open 170F, close 140F
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Trane SWT 01259 thermal limit switchSKU 68-769$32.9732.97
Trane SWT 01259 thermal limit switch, open 190F, close 160F
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Trane SWT 01260 thermal limit switchSKU 68-770$62.5262.52
Trane SWT 01260 thermal limit switch, open 200F, close 170F
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Trane SWT 01261 thermal limit switchSKU 68-771$52.0052.00
Trane SWT 01261 thermal limit switch, open 260F, close 230F
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Trane SWT 01271 thermal limit switchSKU 68-781$50.0050.00
Trane SWT 01271 thermal limit switch, open 180F, close 150F
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