Oil Burner Nozzles - All Purpose Spray
On this page, we list only the 'All Purpose" or W oil nozzles.
Type W nozzles are neither truly hollow nor solid. These nozzles frequently can be used in place of either solid or hollow cone nozzles between 0.40 and 8.00 GPH, regardless of the burner's air pattern. The lower flow rates tend to be more hollow. Higher flow rates tend to be more solid.
These nozzles are listed in sequence by gph first, then degree of spray.

Fuel Oil nozzles
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Oil burner and heating systems replacement parts: nozzles, oil pumps, motors, transformers and electrodes
Free guide: A Total Look at Oil Burner Nozzles »» Delavan Inc. nozzle operation, cross-manufacturer compatibility information [substitutions], important installation instructions and tuning and troubleshooting tips
[This is a large PDF document.]
(Sample information from this guide: "When interchanging a Delavan A, B or W with a Hago, it may be necessary to try the next wider spray angle.")